New Apostolic Church

East Africa

A Choral Concert and a New Building for Rudi Congregation in Tanzania

The congregation of Rudi in the working area of Apostle Kennedy Kabome has received a new home following the dedication of a new 300 seating capacity church building. The District Apostle conducted the dedication service on Sunday 23rd August 2015. The dedication service which was attended by 1,373 members was based on the bible text from 1Peter 2:5.

“You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”

While reading the chronicle of the congregation, Bishop Julius Musambula expressed special thanks to all the church members and the community for their contributions towards the construction of the church. The members had completed the building on their own and the Dar-es-salaam office assisted with the finishing works. On his way to Rudi Congregation, the District Apostle had a stop at Kingiti and Chamtumile congregations where the members were preparing for the Sunday Divine Services.

On Friday 21st August 2015, the District Apostle in the company of Lead Apostle Zachariah Deuly attended a choral concert at Ilolo congregation in Mpwapwa. Eighteen songs from the New Apostolic Hymnal and the Choir Hymn Collection had been translated to Kiswahili with the help of the Music department in Dar-es-salaam. The choral was of a very high standard.

On Saturday 22nd August 2015, The District Apostle conducted an open air Divine service at Gode Gode congregation. Elderly sisters sung an African spiritual song after the Divine Service. Eighty three (83) members could not make it to the Divine service due to a breakdown of their means of transport. However, they did not miss out completely because when the District Apostle was informed, he traveled to the location 23 kilometers away and served them as well.