New Apostolic Church

East Africa

Chief Apostle Divine Service In Daresalaam, Tanzania

On Sunday 18th August 2024, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The Chief Apostle was accompanied by District Apostle Peter Lambert (Southern Africa) and the Host District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya (East Africa). All Apostles of East Africa were present. A total of 3,049 attended the divine service which was held at Diamond Jubilee Hall. The rest of the members followed the divine service at their congregations through Chanell 10 and K24 TV stations. 

Four Apostles were retired (3 for Tanzania and 1 for Uganda). These were; Apostle Jani Malila, Apostle George Chitemo, Apostle Joseph Celestine and Apostle Pius Bitayi respectively. Five Apostles (4 for Tanzania and 1 for Uganda) were ordained. These were: Bishop Nico Mahenge, District Elder Cosmas Maguhwa, District Elder John Mwedugo, Evangelist Adson Stewart and Bishop George William Odwori.

The Chief apostle used a bible word from Exodus 16 verse 4 (Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and get certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in My law or not.”)

The message of the sermon as elaborated by Chief Apostle was that God gives us all we need and expects gratitude through obeying His commands just as when the Israelites were given food (Manna). They had to obey the command (take only the quantity enough for a day). Those who believe that everything comes from God show gratitude by respecting commands given by Jesus Christ. These include

  • Do to your neighbour what you would like others to do unto you

  • Attend the divine services regularly 

In the New Testament we get new food, Jesus Christ said, “I am the bread of life, I am the bread of heaven.” This meant that for you to have eternal life you have to accept and believe in Jesus Christ. You have to believe that: -

  • Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God

  • His sacrifice is for eternal life not for miracles or solving problems of the earth

  • His Kingdom is not of this world but is eternal fellowship with God

  • He is our Saviour who delivers us from evil and sin

For you to collect this food (Bread of Life) there are outlined requirements

  • Receive and believe in His words as directed by God, “This is my beloved Son, hear Him.” We get this from the teachings of the Apostles sent by Jesus Christ. This is the way God speaks to us during divine services

  • Trusting only in Jesus for solutions to our problems, not sorcerers and witches. He said that you cannot serve two masters at the same time

We eat this food through celebrating Holy Communion. Jesus said without this you have no life in you. We need to celebrate Holy Communion regularly. This also has rules:-

  • The food must be dispensed by living Apostles or ministers authorized by them

  • The food has to be eaten in a worthy manner through sanctification and forgiveness of sin. Regret for our sins, genuine repentance and sanctification are need at the table of the Lord.

  • The food must be celebrated in the fellowship of the children of God when they are congregated together irrespective of their differences

  • The food must be eaten in remembrance of Jesus Christ