New Apostolic Church

East Africa

Chief Apostle Divine Service In Mwanza, Tanzania

On Friday 16th August 2024, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in Mwanza, Tanzania. The Chief Apostle was accompanied by District Apostle Peter Lambert (Southern Africa) and the Host District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya (East Africa). A total of 1,937 attended the divine service. 

The Chief apostle used a bible word from Exodus 13:21 (And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead the way; and by night a pillar of fire, to give them light: so as to go by day and night). The message of the sermon as elaborated by Chief Apostle was that God sent the pillar of cloud that guided them during the day and in the night, it was transformed into a pillar of fire that provided both light and guidance. The pillar of cloud and fire symbolizes presence and activity of God.

God appeared through the symbol of cloud and fire in different instances which included:

  • He appeared to Moses in the burning bush and gave him instructions on how to deliver people of Israel and the way to follow.

  • When the Egyptian army came to fight and stop the people of Israel, a pillar appeared between them. God came to protect the people of Israel from their enemies

  • Pillar of cloud and fire guided the people of Israel to Mt. Sinai where they met God and made a covenant with Him

  • During their journey in the wilderness, the people of Israel were only to move when the pillar of cloud and or the pillar of fire moved. They could not move without the presence of God

  • During the transfiguration, a cloud came and God spoke to the people giving instructions, “This is my Beloved Son, hear Him.” God showed His presence

  • During ascension, Jesus Christ ascended into the clouds. He went to God

  • During Pentecost, He came down on the disciples in the form of tongues of fire. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. God was present

Currently we cannot see the pillar of cloud or the pillar of fire. This doesn’t mean God has changed or we are not children of God. God wants us to know that He is still present through the Holy Spirit. We cannot see the Holy Spirit but we can hear Him and experience His words, activities and His presence in the divine service. That’s how God works today for our salvation, guiding us to eternal fellowship with Him. We meet God in the divine service where we hear the voice of God just as the people of Israel did at Mt. Sinai. God dwells in our heart and talk to us. He gives us the opportunity after being Baptized with water and the Spirit. He promises He will be with us everyday and guide us through the Holy Spirit as He did to the people of Israel.

The Holy Spirit guides us but it is up to us to make decisions. God doesn’t force us but he teaches us what really matters and is important for our eternal salvation. The guidance includes: -

  • Renouncing evil, the first decision we have to make

  • Obeying God, respecting His commandments and His law

  • Loving God and our neighbour

  • Following the Apostles He has sent and receiving the sacraments they dispense

  • Changing and becoming like Christ

These five decisions will be helpful. Even if we don’t succeed after following them, we are sure God will bless us. We only need patience and always do the will of God.