New Apostolic Church

East Africa

Chief Apostle Divine Service in Nairobi, Kenya

On Sunday 8th January 2023, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider conducted a divine service in Nairobi, Kenya. The Chief Apostle was accompanied by District Apostle Eddy Isnugroho (Indonesia), District Apostle Kububa Soko (Zambia) and the host District Apostle Joseph Ekhuya (East Africa). Attendance was by invitation only. A total of 806, mainly from the participants of the national youth day 2023 attended the divine service at PUEA University grounds. The rest of the members followed the divine service at their congregations via K24 Television. Apostle Watson KALYEMBE, from Tanzania, retired after 40 years of ministerial activity, nearly eight of which were as an Apostle. Two new Apostles were ordained for NAC Tanzania. Bishop Julius Mathayo MSAMBULA and Evangelist Charles Godwin ANANGISYE. Four other ordination were for the DAA28 (Zambia Malawi, Zimbabwe).

The Chief Apostle used a bible word from Joshua 24 the last part of verse 15 “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15b)

In the elaboration, the Chief Apostle taught that we serve God because we believe in His promise and are thankful for His blessings. We serve Him by following Jesus Christ’s example. It is through the sincerity of our commitment that we can inspire those around us to serve God. We serve God by:-

  • Attending the divine service to worship and give thanks to Him;

  • Submitting to His authority—servants of God, we accept His will as Mary did

  • Contributing to His work of salvation—we help our neighbor to find and follow the path of salvation.

We do not want to serve God like the people of the Old Covenant, but as true Disciples of Christ.

We serve God with Christ:

  • We serve Him out of love, not out of self-interest. We serve Him alone, without turning to other “gods” to satisfy our desires;

  • We do not seek our own glory, but follow Jesus’s advice “do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”

  • Unlike the rich young man, we value our fellowship with Jesus more than our material wellbeing

  • We accept that our commitment to God does not preserve us from affliction

  • We are not followers of John the Baptist who expect God to punish the sinner. We are not Pharisees, who assume the right to judge and punish the sinner

  • We understand that the commandment of love takes priority over the precepts of the law. Our goal is not to dominate, but to serve.