After visiting Tanzania, the Chief Apostle travelled to Nairobi, Kenya on 16th August 2021 where he conducted a midweek divine service on Tuesday 17, August 2021. The divine service was transmitted live by K24 TV station. Due to restrictions imposed by the government as a way of minimising the spread of Corona virus, only 471 members attended the divine service. Thousands more were connected by television and internet. District Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya (East Africa), District Apostle Leonard Kolb (USA), and District Apostle Helpers Patrick Mkhwanazi (Southern Africa) and Robert Nsamba (Zambia) accompanied the Chief Apostle. In attendance were all apostles and bishops from Kenya with their wives and all apostles from Uganda and South Sudan.
The bible text was Mark 10: 26-27: “And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved? “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”
The Chief Apostle started by expressing his joy in being able to fellowship with the children of God in Nairobi again. He went on to say that the purpose of our coming together was to pray together. Elaborating on the bible text, Chief Apostle explained the story of the rich man who came to Jesus and wanted to know what is needed to inherit eternal life. Jesus advised him that he needed to go and sell whatever he had accumulated, to give to the poor and to come and follow Him. The man went away very sad because he was very rich. Astonished by the response of Jesus to the rich man, the disciples wondered if at all anyone could be saved. The Chief Apostle taught that with man, it is impossible but with the help of God, is possible. No man can earn eternal life by his deeds. We all need God’s grace to attain salvation. The requirements are:-
The Chief Apostle also taught that forgiving our neighbour is another condition for attaining salvation. He noted that sometimes it is very difficult to offer perfect forgiveness but he said that God is there to help us. Jesus wants His people to become one (be united) as He and the father are one. This is impossible with human beings considering all the differences that exist, but for those who believe in God, it is possible because the focus is not on the differences but on what Jesus says. When Jesus will come again, He will reveal the new creation in us. He will deliver us from our physical body with its limitations. We will have the resurrection body and then be perfectly one; said the Chief Apostle. This sounds impossible, but with God, it will be possible.
The Chief Apostle gave several examples of situations that seemed impossible with men but were made possible by God. For instance, the story of the 12 spies who were sent to spy the Promised Land and the story of conquest of Jericho. The Chief Apostle concluded the sermon by saying that even with today’s conditions; it is possible to be saved. What is needed is a perfect faith, perfect grace, willingness to forgive, willingness to repair the damages we have caused and a persistent struggle for unity in Christ.