New Apostolic Church

East Africa

Chief Apostle Schneider visit to Uganda, 10-14 July 2013

On Wednesday, 10 July 2013, the Chief Apostle Schneider landed on the soil of Uganda (also famously known as the pearl of Africa). The Chief Apostle accompanied by District Apostles Patrick Mkhwanazi (South East Africa), Mark Woll (Canada), Bernd Koberstein (Germany) as well as their host District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi commenced his programme on Thursday, 11 July 2013 with a visit to Kampala Central church and the Administration office. Here they were welcomed by the children and then afterwards in the church, the choir rendered some hymns. 

On Friday morning, the Chief Apostle and his entourage left Kampala city to Tororo, some 200 km away for the first divine service. The divine service was held in a hired Pentecostal Church auditorium. It was a special blessing to this area since the Lord’s work began here some 24 years ago after some brothers from Kenya brought the New Apostolic testimony to the area. In attendance were also some brethren from Kenya, who had crossed to Tororo, to participate in the divine service.

As a basis for the divine service the Chief Apostle used Psalm 115: 11, “You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord; He is their help and their shield”.

An apostles and bishops meeting had been scheduled for Saturday morning. Just before the meeting and to the joy of the retired apostles; the Chief Apostle had the opportunity to greet them (Golf Course Hotel). The meeting was based on a text word from part of Mathew 17: 20. “…for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move’.

The mountains were described as;

  • Our weaknesses
  • Our past
  • Our personality
  • Difficulties in the congregations
  • Situations in our countries
  • Lack of means

The apostles and bishops were encouraged to be strong in faith because with God nothing is impossible.

In the evening all the invited guests experienced a wonderful music hour. This Choral concert was held at Pope Paul Memorial Hall in Kampala.

Sunday was the highlight of the visit. Over 2000 members in the hired hotel hall (Imperial Royale Hotel) and many others in the connected congregations had already gathered to be served by the Chief Apostle. As a basis for the divine service the Chief Apostle read a text word out of the book of Exodus 19: 6 (prt) “And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”. The members were encouraged to have the mind of a priest.

At the climax of the divine service, Apostles Hunney Luke Anyiko and Richards Otieno Madanje were placed in honorable retirement. In addition the Chief Apostle commissioned a new District Apostle Helper for East Africa in the Apostle Joseph Opemba Ekhuya.