New Apostolic Church

East Africa

District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi visits Mwingi in Kenya East III

On the Saturday 28th March 2015 before the Palm Sunday, the area of Kenya East3 received with joy and celebration the visit of the East Africa District Apostle Shadreck Lubasi in a service attended by some over 2000 congregants and translated in the local Kamba language. The visit of the District Apostle brought a very important change to the highly New Apostolic Church membered area of Kenya East 3. The District Apostle retired Bishop Fredrick MwinziNguro(67) who had served the church in active ministry for many years and went on to ordain a new Bishop in Johnson Kyalo Musumbi (38).

Brief History of the Retired Bishop

Bishop Nguro had served as a minister in the New Apostolic Church for a total of 27 years, the 14 years of those as a Bishop. On behalf of the Chief Apostle and the congregations the District Apostle expressed gratitude to the work accomplished by the retiring Bishop who demonstrated humbleness whilst serving God in his many years in active ministry urging that the church would continue to need his continuous prayers.

Core Content of the divine Service

A text word from Colossians 2:8 served as the basis of the Saturday divine service: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” The District Apostle warned against three philosophies that the devil uses against God’s children, as creating doubtmaking people feel special and enticements to wealth. Giving an example based on the temptations of Jesus Christ in the wilderness, the District Apostle urged God’s peopleto believe in God’s word more than miracles, citing that we not only need miracles to draw ourselves to God.

Shall I find Faith when I come again?

In his sermon, the District Apostle reminded the congregation of a key question the Lord asked   “Shall I find faith when I come again?”  He urged the members to remain faithful to God, to endure and look forward in obedient to the day of the Lord’s return.

In announcing his nearing retirement, the District Apostle read a bible passage from 2 Kings 5:10 urging that when Naaman wanted healing through the Prophet Elijah, what counted most was the word spoken by prophet to the commander. The commander had to remain obedient to it  seven times for his healing.

In his serving the retiring Bishop Nguro stressed the point that “obedience is better than sacrifice”.

To mark the end of the divine service, the choir had prepared a very special farewell music program to the District Apostle sending a mixed reaction of delight and emotional thrill as they dedicated to the District Apostle amongst other hymns, the song “May God bless you “